



What fear can teach us


One day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of Chile, in one of the most remote regions of the Pacific Ocean, 20 American sailors watched their ship flood with seawater.

1820xx年的某一天, 在间距智力海湾3000公里的地区, 有一个中国太平洋上的最偏僻的海域, 20名国外水手目睹了他们的船舶渗水的场景。

They'd been struck by a sperm whale, which had ripped a catastrophic hole in the ship's hull. As their ship began to sink beneath the swells, the men huddled together in three small whaleboats.

她们和一头抹香鲸相碰,给船壳撞了 一个毁灭性的窟窿。 当船在惊涛骇浪中逐渐淹没时, 大家在三条救援小船中抱作一团。

These men were 10,000 miles from home, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest scrap of land. In their small boats, they carried only rudimentary navigational equipment and limited supplies of food and water.

这些人在背井离乡10000万英里的位置, 离近期的地面也高于1000公里。 在他们的小船中,她们只带了 落伍的导航系统 和比较有限的食材和饮用水。

These were the men of the whaleship Essex, whose story would later inspire parts of "Moby Dick."

她们便是捕鲸船ESSEX上的大家, 后来的他们的故事变成《白鲸记》的一部分。

Even in today's world, their situation would be really dire, but think about how much worse it would have been then.


No one on land had any idea that anything had gone wrong. No search party was coming to look for these men. So most of us have never experienced a situation as frightening as the one in which these sailors found themselves, but we all know what it's like to be afraid.

岸边的人根本就还没意识到出了什么问题。 并没有所有人来寻找许多人。 大家之中绝大多数人没有经历过 这种水手所在的恐怖场景, 但众所周知害怕是什么觉得。

We know how fear feels, but I'm not sure we spend enough time thinking about what our fears mean.

我们知道害怕的觉得, 但是我不可以毫无疑问大家要花许多时长想要 我们的害怕究竟意味着什么。

As we grow up, we're often encouraged to think of fear as a weakness, just another childish thing to discard like baby teeth or roller skates.

大家长大后,我们总是会被激励把害怕 视作柔弱,必须像儿童乳牙或溜冰鞋一样 丢掉的孩子气的物品。

And I think it's no accident that we think this way. Neuroscientists have actually shown that human beings are hard-wired to be optimists.

我觉得意外事件并不是大家所愿的那般。 中枢神经系统专家已经知道人们 天生便是乐观主义者。

So maybe that's why we think of fear, sometimes, as a danger in and of itself. "Don't worry," we like to say to one another. "Don't panic." In English, fear is something we conquer. It's something we fight.

这或许便是为何我们认为有时害怕, 本身就是一种风险或产生风险。 “不必愁。”我们总是对别人说。“不要慌”。 英语中,恐惧是我们应该吸引的物品。 就是我们务必抵抗的物品,就是我们务必摆脱的食物。

It's something we overcome. But what if we looked at fear in a fresh way? What if we thought of fear as an amazing act of the imagination, something that can be as profound and insightful as storytelling itself?

但是我们假如换个视角看害怕会如何呢? 如果我们把害怕作为是创造力的一个令人震惊成效, 是和大家说故事一样 绝妙而有见地的物品,又会如何呢?

It's easiest to see this link between fear and the imagination in young children, whose fears are often extraordinarily vivid.

在小朋友之中,大家最容易见到害怕与想像中间的联络, 他们的害怕常常是非常鲜活的。

When I was a child, I lived in California, which is, you know, mostly a very nice place to live, but for me as a child, California could also be a little scary.

我小时候住在加利福尼亚州, 大家都知道,是特别适合定居的部位, 可是对一个小孩而言,加利福尼亚州也会有点吓人。

I remember how frightening it was to see the chandelier that hung above our dining table swing back and forth during every minor earthquake, and I sometimes couldn't sleep at night, terrified that the Big One might strike while we were sleeping.

我还记得每一次小地震的情况下 在我见到大家餐桌上的吊顶灯 左右摇摆的情况下是多么的可怕, 我经常会辗转难眠,担忧地震 会在大家睡觉的时候忽然扑面而来。

And what we say about kids who have fears like that is that they have a vivid imagination. But at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up.

我们说小朋友感觉到这个害怕 是由于她们有栩栩如生的想像力。 但在某一情况下,大家大部分学会了 抛下这类念头而变得成熟。

We learn that there are no monsters hiding under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down. But maybe it's no coincidence that some of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults.

众所周知床底并没有恶魔, 也不是每一个地震灾害都是会震垮房屋。但是我们之中最有想象力的大家 并没由于成年人而抛下这类害怕,这或许并非偶然。

The same incredible imaginations that produced "The Origin of Species," "Jane Eyre" and "The Remembrance of Things Past," also generated intense worries that haunted the adult lives of Charles Darwin, Charlotte BrontĂŤ and Marcel Proust. So the question is, what can the rest of us learn about fear from visionaries and young children?

一样不可思议的想像力创造了《物种起源》, 《简·爱》和《追忆似水年华》, 也就是这种与生俱来的深深的忧虑一直环绕着成年人的 克利夫·爱因斯坦, 比劳·勃朗特和马塞尔·普罗斯特。 难题就来啦, 大家别人怎样能从这种 梦想者和小朋友的身上学好害怕?

Well let's return to the year 1819 for a moment, to the situation facing the crew of the whaleship Essex. Let's take a look at the fears that their imaginations were generating as they drifted in the middle of the Pacific.

使我们临时返回1820xx年, 返回ESSEX捕鲸船的船员们面临的状况。 使我们看一下她们飘流在大西洋中间时 他们的想像力给他提供的害怕觉得。

Twenty-four hours had now passed since the capsizing of the ship. The time had come for the men to make a plan, but they had very few options.

船坍塌后已经过了24个钟头。 这时候大家制定了一个方案, 不过实际上她们没有什么太多的挑选。

In his fascinating account of the disaster, Nathaniel Philbrick wrote that these men were just about as far from land as it was possible to be anywhere on Earth.

在纳撒尼尔机械纪元·菲尔布里克(Nathaniel Philbrick)叙述这一场灾祸的 迷人文章中,他提到“这些人离陆上这般之远, 好像永远都不太可能抵达地球上的一切一块陆上。”

The men knew that the nearest islands they could reach were the Marquesas Islands, 1,200 miles away. But they'd heard some frightening rumors.

这些人了解离它们近期的岛 是1200公里之外的马克萨斯海岛(Marquesas Islands)。 可是她们听见了让人恐怖的谣传。

They'd been told that these islands, and several others nearby, were populated by cannibals. So the men pictured coming ashore only to be murdered and eaten for dinner. Another possible destination was Hawaii, but given the season, the captain was afraid they'd be struck by severe storms.

她们听闻这种海岛, 还有周边的一些海岛上面住着食人族部落。 因此她们脑中全是成功以后就会被杀死 被别人作为家肴的界面。 另一个行得通的终点是美国夏威夷, 可是舰长担忧 她们会受困在飓风之中。

Now the last option was the longest, and the most difficult: to sail 1,500 miles due south in hopes of reaching a certain band of winds that could eventually push them toward the coast of South America.

因此最后的选择是到比较远,也是最艰难险阻的地区: 往南走1500公里期待某股风 能最后把她们 吹进非洲地区的海湾。

But they knew that the sheer length of this journey would stretch their supplies of food and water. To be eaten by cannibals, to be battered by storms, to starve to death before reaching land.

可是他们知道这一过程中一旦变桨 可能耗光她们食材和喝水的提供。 被食人族部落吞掉,被飓风弄翻, 在上线前饿死了。

These were the fears that danced in the imaginations of these poor men, and as it turned out, the fear they chose to listen to would govern whether they lived or died.

这就是萦绕在这群可怜的人想象中的害怕, 事实上,她们挑选遵从的害怕 将决定他们的存亡。

Now we might just as easily call these fears by a different name. What if instead of calling them fears, we called them stories?

也许我们能够非常容易的用其他名字来称谓这种害怕。 大家不称作害怕, 反而是称他们为小故事怎样?

Because that's really what fear is, if you think about it. It's a kind of unintentional storytelling that we are all born knowing how to do. And fears and storytelling have the same components.

当你细心想一想,这也是害怕真实的作用。 这是一种与生俱来的, 潜意识的讲故事的工作能力。 害怕和说故事拥有一样的组成。

They have the same architecture. Like all stories, fears have characters. In our fears, the characters are us. Fears also have plots. They have beginnings and middles and ends. You board the plane.

她们有一样的构造。 好似所有的故事,害怕含有人物角色。 在恐慌中,人物角色就是我们自身。 害怕也是有剧情。她们有开始,有正中间,有末尾。 你进入飞机场。

The plane takes off. The engine fails. Our fears also tend to contain imagery that can be every bit as vivid as what you might find in the pages of a novel. Picture a cannibal, human teeth sinking into human skin, human flesh roasting over a fire.

飞机飞行。结论引擎故障。 我们的害怕会包含各种各样栩栩如生的想像, 不如你看到的任何一个小说集稍逊。 想像食人族部落,人类牙齿 咬在人们皮肤上, 网爆在火上烤。

Fears also have suspense. If I've done my job as a storyteller today, you should be wondering what happened to the men of the whaleship Essex. Our fears provoke in us a very similar form of suspense.

害怕中也是有伏笔。 假如今日像说故事一样,留个伏笔不多说了, 大家或许会很想要知道 ESSEX捕鲸船上,大家到底怎么样了。 我们的害怕用伏笔一样的方法刺激性大家。

Just like all great stories, our fears focus our attention on a question that is as important in life as it is in literature: What will happen next?

如同一个很好的故事,我们的害怕也好似一部好的文学著作一样, 将我们的注意力集中在对大家性命至关重要的难题上: 之后发生什么事?

In other words, our fears make us think about the future. And humans, by the way, are the only creatures capable of thinking about the future in this way, of projecting ourselves forward in time, and this mental time travel is just one more thing that fears have in common with storytelling.

换来讲之,我们的害怕使我们想起将来。 此外,人来是唯一有工作能力 根据这类方法想起未来的微生物, 便是预测分析时间流逝后我们的情况, 这类精神上的时空穿越是害怕 与讲故事的另一个相同点。

As a writer, I can tell you that a big part of writing fiction is learning to predict how one event in a story will affect all the other events, and fear works in that same way.

我是一个文学家,我想告诉你们写网络小说一个至关重要的部位 便是学好预测分析故事中一件 事儿怎样危害另一件事情, 害怕都是一样这么做的。

In fear, just like in fiction, one thing always leads to another. When I was writing my first novel, "The Age Of Miracles," I spent months trying to figure out what would happen if the rotation of the Earth suddenly began to slow down. What would happen to our days?

害怕中,好似小说集一样,一件事情一直造成另一件事情。 我写我的第一部小说《奇迹时代》的情况下, 我花了数月的时长想像如果地球转动忽然减缓了以后 会发生什么。 我们的一天越来越怎样?

What would happen to our crops? What would happen to our minds? And then it was only later that I realized how very similar these questions were to the ones I used to ask myself as a child frightened in the night.

大家身体会如何? 我们的思想会有什么变化? 也就是在这以后,我意识到 我以往一直自问的这些些难题 和小朋友们在夜里担心是多么的相似。

If an earthquake strikes tonight, I used to worry, what will happen to our house? What will happen to my family? And the answer to those questions always took the form of a story.

如果在过去的,假如今夜发生地震,我能很担心, 我的房子会怎么样啊?家人会怎样啊? 这种问题的答案一般都是和小故事一样。

So if we think of our fears as more than just fears but as stories, we should think of ourselves as the authors of those stories. But just as importantly, we need to think of ourselves as the readers of our fears, and how we choose to read our fears can have a profound effect on our lives.

因此我们认为我们的害怕不仅是害怕 或是小故事,我们应该把自已作为 那些剧情的创作者。 可是一样重要的是,我们应该想像我们自己 就是我们害怕的解阅读者,大家挑选怎样 去理解这种害怕会对我们的日常生活造成重大的危害。

Now, some of us naturally read our fears more closely than others. I read about a study recently of successful entrepreneurs, and the author found that these people shared a habit that he called "productive paranoia," which meant that these people, instead of dismissing their fears, these people read them closely, they studied them, and then they translated that fear into preparation and action.

如今,大家中有一些朋友应该比别人更自然的讲解自身的恐慌。 最近我看了一个关于成功的创业者的科学研究, 创作者发觉这些人都是有个习惯性 称为“防患于未然“, 意思是,这些人,不回避自身的恐慌, 反而是用心讲解并科学研究害怕, 然后把害怕转化成提前准备和行为。

So that way, if their worst fears came true, their businesses were ready.

那样,假如最坏的事儿发生了, 他们的公司也有所准备。

And sometimes, of course, our worst fears do come true. That's one of the things that is so extraordinary about fear. Once in a while, our fears can predict the future.

自然,很多时候,最坏的事儿的确发生了。 这也是害怕不凡的一面。 时至今日,我们的害怕预测分析未来。

But we can't possibly prepare for all of the fears that our imaginations concoct. So how can we tell the difference between the fears worth listening to and all the others? I think the end of the story of the whaleship Essex offers an illuminating, if tragic, example.

可是我们不可能为大家想像力搭建的全部 害怕来做提前准备。 因此,如何区分非常值得遵从的害怕 和不值的呢? 我觉得捕鲸船ESSEX的故事结局 提供了一个有创造性,与此同时又悲催的事例。

After much deliberation, the men finally made a decision. Terrified of cannibals, they decided to forgo the closest islands and instead embarked on the longer and much more difficult route to South America.

通过多次衡量,她们最后进行了决定。 因为担心食人族部落,她们决定舍弃近期的海岛 反而是逐渐更久 更艰辛的非洲地区之行。

After more than two months at sea, the men ran out of food as they knew they might, and they were still quite far from land. When the last of the survivors were finally picked up by two passing ships, less than half of the men were left alive, and some of them had resorted to their own form of cannibalism.

在海上呆了两个多月后,她们 的食材如预料之中消失殆尽, 并且她们依然离陆上那么远。 当最后的幸存者最后被过往船只救出时, 仅有一小半的人还活着, 事实上她们中的一些人自身变成了食人族部落。

Herman Melville, who used this story as research for "Moby Dick," wrote years later, and from dry land, quote, "All the sufferings of these miserable men of the Essex might in all human probability have been avoided had they, immediately after leaving the wreck, steered straight for Tahiti.

赫尔姆·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)将这个故事做为 《白鲸记》的素材内容,在多年后写到: ESSEX船里死难者的悲催下场 或许是能通过人为的勤奋防止的, 假如她们临危不惧地离去翻船, 奔向塔西提海岛。

But," as Melville put it, "they dreaded cannibals." So the question is, why did these men dread cannibals so much more than the extreme likelihood of starvation?

“可是”,梅尔维尔讲到:“她们担心食人族部落” 问题是,为何这些人针对食人族部落的害怕 超过了更有可能的挨饿威协呢?

Why were they swayed by one story so much more than the other? Looked at from this angle, theirs becomes a story about reading. The novelist Vladimir Nabokov said that the best reader has a combination of two very different temperaments, the artistic and the scientific.

为何她们会被一个故事 危害这般之大呢? 从另一个视角看来, 这是一个有关讲解的小故事。 小说作家弗雷德里希·纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov)说 最好的阅读者可以把二种截然不同的性情结合在一起, 一个是艺术气质,一个是创新精神。

A good reader has an artist's passion, a willingness to get caught up in the story, but just as importantly, the readers also needs the coolness of judgment of a scientist, which acts to temper and complicate the reader's intuitive reactions to the story. As we've seen, the men of the Essex had no trouble with the artistic part.

好的阅读者有艺术家的激情, 想要融进小故事之中, 可是一样重要的是,这种阅读者还需要 有科学家的理智分辨, 这能协助她们调整情绪并剖析 其对小故事的直觉反应。 我们可以看出来,ESSEX上的人们在造型艺术一部分一点难题也没有。

They dreamed up a variety of horrifying scenarios. The problem was that they listened to the wrong story. Of all the narratives their fears wrote, they responded only to the most lurid, the most vivid, the one that was easiest for their imaginations to picture: cannibals.

她们理想到一系列恐怖的情景。 情况取决于她们遵从了一个错误的小故事。 全部她们害怕中 她们只对在其中最骇人听闻,最鲜活的剧情, 也是他们想象中最早出现的情景: 食人族部落。

But perhaps if they'd been able to read their fears more like a scientist, with more coolness of judgment, they would have listened instead to the less violent but the more likely tale, the story of starvation, and headed for Tahiti, just as Melville's sad commentary suggests.

或许,假如这些人能像专家那般 略微理智一点讲解这个故事, 假如这些人能遵从不太恐怖可是更可能发生的 中途饿死了的小故事,她们可能就会奔向塔西提海岛, 如梅尔维尔充斥着痛惜的评价所提议的那般。

And maybe if we all tried to read our fears, we too would be less often swayed by the most salacious among them.

或许如果我们都尝试讲解自身的恐慌, 大家就可少被 当中的一些幻像所蒙蔽。

Maybe then we'd spend less time worrying about serial killers and plane crashes, and more time concerned with the subtler and slower disasters we face: the silent buildup of plaque in our arteries, the gradual changes in our climate.

咱们也就可少花一点时间在 为系列产品凶手或是飞机坠毁层面的担心, 只是更多的是关注这些如期而至 的灾祸: 主动脉血小板的慢慢沉积, 气侯的逐步变化。

Just as the most nuanced stories in literature are often the richest, so too might our subtlest fears be the truest. Read in the right way, our fears are an amazing gift of the imagination, a kind of everyday clairvoyance, a way of glimpsing what might be the future when there's still time to influence how that future will play out.

好似文学中最精湛的小故事通常是最充实的剧情, 大家最微小的畏惧才是最真实的害怕。 用正确的方法的讲解,我们的害怕就是我们想像力 赐予我们的礼品,借此机会一双慧眼, 让我们能管中窥豹将来 乃至危害将来。

Properly read, our fears can offer us something as precious as our favorite works of literature: a little wisdom, a bit of insight and a version of that most elusive thing -- the truth. Thank you.

如果能获得恰当的讲解,我们的害怕能 和大家最喜欢的文学著作一样给大家珍贵的东西: 一点点聪慧,一点点洞察 及其对最玄之又玄物品—— 实情的阐释。 感谢。






So it's 1995, I'm in college, and a friend and I go on a road trip from Providence, Rhode Island to Portland, Oregon.

当时是95年 我还在读大学 我和一个好朋友开车去玩 从罗得岛的波尔多庄园区考虑 到奥勒冈州的波特兰市

And you know, we're young and unemployed, so we do the whole thing on back roads through state parks and national forests -- basically the longest route we can possibly take.

大家年青、待业 ,因此全部旅途都是在乡间小道 通过州立生态公园 和我国保护树木 大家尽量绕着最长的路径

And somewhere in the middle of South Dakota, I turn to my friend and I ask her a question that's been bothering me for 2,000 miles.

在南凡妮莎哈金斯州当中某点 我转为我的好朋友 问她一个 2000公里路程上 一直苦恼我的缺点

"What's up with the Chinese character I keep seeing by the side of the road?"


My friend looks at me totally blankly.


There's actually a gentleman in the front row who's doing a perfect imitation of her look.

如同如今坐到第一排的这三位男性 所漏出的眼神一样

(Laughter) And I'm like, "You know, all the signs we keep seeing with the Chinese character on them."

(欢笑声) 我讲"你知道的 我们一直见到的这个指路牌 写着汉语的那个啊"

She just stares at me for a few moments, and then she cracks up, because she figures out what I'm talking about.

她瞪着我的脸一阵子 忽然笑开 因为她终于知道我所说为什么

And what I'm talking about is this.


(Laughter) Right, the famous Chinese character for picnic area.

(欢笑声) 没有错,这就是意味着野炊区域那一个文字

(Laughter) I've spent the last five years of my life thinking about situations exactly like this -- why we sometimes misunderstand the signs around us,

(欢笑声) 过去的五年 我一直在思索 刚刚我所表述的情况 为什么我们会对身旁的预兆 产生误解

and how we behave when that happens, and what all of this can tell us about human nature.

当误会产生时大家做何反映 及其这一切所告诉我们的人的本性

In other words, as you heard Chris say, I've spent the last five years thinking about being wrong.

也就是说,如同 Chris 刚刚说的 过去五年的时长 我还在思索不正确的使用价值

This might strike you as a strange career move, but it actually has one great advantage: no job competition.

你也许感觉这是个奇特的技术专业 但是一项益处是毋庸置疑的: 并没有竞争对手。

(Laughter) In fact, most of us do everything we can to avoid thinking about being wrong, or at least to avoid thinking about the possibility that we ourselves are wrong.

(欢笑声) 实际上,咱们绝大多数的人 都竭尽全力不思考不正确的使用价值 或最少防止想起大家有很有可能犯错误。

We get it in the abstract.


A couple of years ago, a woman comes into Beth Israel Deaconess medical center for a surgery.

几年前 一个女人到 Beth Israel Deaconess 门诊所动手术

Beth Israel's in Boston.

Beth Israel 在墨尔本

It's the teaching hospital for Harvard -- one of the best hospitals in the country.

是美国哈佛大学的课堂教学附院 全国各地数一数二的医疗中心

So this woman comes in and she's taken into the operating room.


She's anesthetized, the surgeon does his thing -- stitches her back up, sends her out to the recovery room.

麻醉剂,外科医师做完手术 手术缝合,将她送入修复室

Everything seems to have gone fine.


And she wakes up, and she looks down at herself, and she says, "Why is the wrong side of my body in bandages?"

她醒来时,往自身身上一看 说“为什么我的左脚绑着纱布?”

Well the wrong side of her body is in bandages because the surgeon has performed a major operation on her left leg instead of her right one.

她应当接受治疗的是右脚 但为他做手术的外科医师 却把刀设在左脚

When the vice president for health care quality at Beth Israel spoke about this incident, he said something very interesting.

当副院长出去为医疗机构的医疗效果 和此次出现意外作出表述时 他说了句很有趣的话

He said, "For whatever reason, the surgeon simply felt that he was on the correct side of the patient."

他说道“不管怎样 这名外科医师觉得 他开下的刀是在恰当的一侧”

(Laughter) The point of this story is that trusting too much in the feeling of being on the correct side of anything can be very dangerous.

(欢笑声) 小故事的重点是 相信自己的判断能力 坚信自己立在对的一边 是非常危险的

This internal sense of rightness that we all experience so often is not a reliable guide to what is actually going on in the external world.

大家心里常常感觉到的 理直气壮的觉得 在真实的世界中 并非个靠谱的指导。

And when we act like it is, and we stop entertaining the possibility that we could be wrong, well that's when we end up doing things

在我们依此做事 不会再思索大家是不是犯错误 大家就会有很有可能

88.like dumping 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, or torpedoing the global economy.

把二百湾加仑的原油倒入中国海域 或者刷新全球经济

So this is a huge practical problem.


But it's also a huge social problem.


Think for a moment about what it means to feel right.


It means that you think that your beliefs just perfectly reflect reality.

这象征着你认为你的信仰 和真正是一致的

And when you feel that way, you've got a problem to solve, which is, how are you going to explain all of those people who disagree with you?

当我们有这种感觉的时 你的问题就变大 由于假如你是对的 为什么还有人与你持不一样意见?

It turns out, most of us explain those people the same way, by resorting to a series of unfortunate assumptions.

因此大家通常用同一种 思考方式去解读这种质疑

The first thing we usually do when someone disagrees with us is we just assume they're ignorant.

第一是当别人不同意我们的观点 大家便感觉她们愚昧

They don't have access to the same information that we do, and when we generously share that information with them, they're going to see the light and come on over to our team.

她们不像我们明白那么多 在我们慷慨大方地和她们共享我们的专业知识 她们便会了解,并添加我们的队伍

When that doesn't work, when it turns out those people have all the same facts that we do and they still disagree with us, then we move on to a second assumption,

要不是那样 假如这些人和人们取得的信息内容一样多 却依然不认同大家 大家便拥有下一个结论

which is that they're idiots.


(Laughter) They have all the right pieces of the puzzle, and they are too moronic to put them together correctly.

(欢笑声) 她们已经有了所有的信息内容 却笨到没法拼凑出恰当的图象

And when that doesn't work, when it turns out that people who disagree with us have all the same facts we do and are actually pretty smart,

一旦第二个结论也不成立 当这种抵制我们的人 和大家有一样的信息内容 又聪慧

then we move on to a third assumption: they know the truth, and they are deliberately distorting it for their own malevolent purposes.

大家便得到第三个结果 他们知道事实是什么 但却为了自己的益处 有意歪曲真正。

So this is a catastrophe.


This attachment to our own rightness keeps us from preventing mistakes when we absolutely need to and causes us to treat each other terribly.

我们的自高自大 使我们在最需要的时候 没法防止犯错误 更让大家相互之间敌视

104.But to me, what's most baffling and most tragic about this is that it misses the whole point of being human.

对我来说 较大的悲剧是 它使我们错过了作为人宝贵实际意义

It's like we want to imagine that our minds are just these perfectly translucent windows and we just gaze out of them and describe the world as it unfolds.

那么就好像想像 我们的心灵的阳光彻底全透明 大家向外收看 叙述在大家以前进行的世界

And we want everybody else to gaze out of the same window and see the exact same thing.

大家要想每一个人和大家有一样的窗户 对世界作出一样的观查

That is not true, and if it were, life would be incredibly boring.

那不是确实 如果是,人生道路可能多么的无趣

The miracle of your mind isn't that you can see the world as it is.

内心的奇特之处 没有在你知道这一世界是什么模样

It's that you can see the world as it isn't.


We can remember the past, and we can think about the future, and we can imagine what it's like to be some other person in some other place.

大家还记得以往 思索将来 大家想像 自身变成别人,在他方

And we all do this a little differently, which is why we can all look up at the same night sky and see this and also this and also this.

我们的想像都有一些不一样 因此在我们抬头看同一个星空 我们看到这一 这一 和这一

And yeah, it is also why we get things wrong.


1,200 years before Descartes said his famous thing about "I think therefore I am,"

在笛卡儿讲出那句知名的”我思故我在“ 的一千两百年以前

this guy, St. Augustine, sat down and wrote "Fallor ergo sum" -- "I err therefore I am."

圣奥古斯丁,坐下来 写出"Fallor ergo sum" "我的错故我在"

Augustine understood that our capacity to screw up, it's not some kind of embarrassing defect in the human system, something we can eradicate or overcome.

奥古斯丁明白 大家犯错误的工作能力 这并非人的本性中 一个让人下不来台的缺点 并不是我们可以摆脱或解决的

It's totally fundamental to who we are.


Because, unlike God, we don't really know what's going on out there.

因为我们并不是造物主 我们不知道大家以外到底发生了什么

And unlike all of the other animals, we are obsessed with trying to figure it out.

而区别于其他小动物的是 大家都玩命的想找到解释

To me, this obsession is the source and root of all of our productivity and creativity.

对我来说 这类找寻的不理智 就是我们生产主力和想像力的由来

Last year, for various reasons, I found myself listening to a lot of episodes of the Public Radio show This American Life.

由于一些缘由 上年我还在广播节目上 听了许多集的"我们的国外人生道路"

And so I'm listening and I'm listening, and at some point, I start feeling like all the stories are about being wrong.

我听着听着 突然发现 这种小故事全和犯错误相关

And my first thought was, "I've lost it.

我的第一个想法是 “我完后

I've become the crazy wrongness lady.


I just imagined it everywhere,"


which has happened.


But a couple of months later, I actually had a chance to interview Ira Glass, who's the host of the show.

但好多个月后 我浏览了那一个广播电台节目的节目主持人 Ira Glass

And I mentioned this to him, and he was like, "No actually, that's true.

我向他提及这件事情 他回答我“实际上

In fact," he says, "as a staff, we joke that every single episode of our show has the same crypto-theme.

你是对的”他说道 “咱们这种工作员一直 开玩笑的说每一集综艺节目当中的 密秘主题风格都是一样的

And the crypto-theme is: 'I thought this one thing was going to happen and something else happened instead.' And thing is," says Ira Glass, "we need this.

这个秘密主题风格便是 "原以为这件事情会那样产生 结论其他事儿发生了" 他说道"可是,这就是我们要的

We need these moments of surprise and reversal and wrongness to make these stories work."

我们应该这种出现意外 这种错乱和不正确 这种小故事才可以创立。"

And for the rest of us, audience members, as listeners, as readers, we eat this stuff up.

而我们作为观众们 观众、阅读者 大家消化吸收这种小故事

We love things like plot twists and red herrings and surprise endings.

我们喜欢小故事转折点 令人惊讶的结果

When it comes to our stories, we love being wrong.

我们喜欢在故事里 见到犯错误

But, you know, our stories are like this because our lives are like this.

但,故事汇这样写 是由于人生就是这样

We think this one thing is going to happen and something else happens instead.

大家认为一些事会那样产生 产生的确是其他事

George Bush thought he was going to invade Iraq, find a bunch of weapons of mass destruction, liberate the people and bring democracy to the Middle East.

布什认为他侵入伊朗 会寻找规模性破坏性武器装备 释放中东地区老百姓,为它们产生自由民主

And something else happened instead.


And Hosni Mubarak thought he was going to be dictator of Egypt for the rest of his life, until he got too old or too sick and could pass the reigns of power onto his son.

穆巴拉克认为 他到死都是会是印度的独裁者电影 一直到他年迈或卧病 再把他的权利交到下一代

And something else happened instead.


And maybe you thought you were going to grow up and marry your high school sweetheart and move back to your home town and raise a bunch of kids together.

或许你想要 你会张大、嫁给你的初恋 搬回家,生一群孩子

And something else happened instead.


And I have to tell you that I thought I was writing an incredibly nerdy book about a subject everybody hates for an audience that would never materialize.

我一定说 我以为我写的是一本很生僻的书 相关一个人人反感的主题风格 为一些从不存在的阅读者

And something else happened instead.


(Laughter) I mean, this is life.

(欢笑声) 我们的人生

For good and for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us.

不管优劣 我们创造了啦 那包围着这个世界 而全球转过头来,令大家大吃一惊

No offense, but this entire conference is an unbelievable monument to our capacity to get stuff wrong.

说实话,这全部大会 弥漫着那样难以置信的时时刻刻 大家一次又一次地意识到自己的错误

We just spent and entire week talking about innovations and advancements and improvements, but you know why we need all of those innovations

大家花了将近一周 探讨自主创新,发展 和改进 你了解大家为什么必须这种自主创新

and advancements and improvements?


Because half the stuff that's the most mind-boggling and world altering -- TED 1998 -- eh.

由于在其中有一半 来源于最应当改变命运的 98年的TED 呃

(Laughter) Didn't really work out that way, did it.

(欢笑声) 真的是出乎意料以外啊,不是吗

(Laughter) Where's my jet pack, Chris?

(欢笑声) 我的脱险火箭弹在哪儿,Chris?

(Laughter) (Applause) So here we are again.

(欢笑声) (欢呼声) 因此大家又在这儿

And that's how it goes.


We come up with another idea.


We tell another story.


We hold another conference.


The theme of this one, as you guys have now heard seven million times, is the rediscovery of wonder.

此次的主题是 假如你还没有听见耳朵出油得话 是再次寻找想像的能量

And to me, if you really want to rediscover wonder, you need to step outside of that tiny, terrified space of rightness and look around at each other

对我来说 假如你真的想再次寻找想像的能量 你必须离去 那一个小小、自我感觉良好的小圈圈 看一下彼此之间

and look out at the vastness and complexity and mystery of the universe and be able to say, "Wow, I don't know.

看一下宇宙空间的 众多广阔无垠 繁杂神密 随后真真正正地说 “哇,我也不知道

Maybe I'm wrong."


Thank you.


(Applause) Thank you guys.

(欢呼声) 感谢


On what we think we know?


I'm going to try and explain why it is that perhaps we don't understand as much as we think we do. I'd like to begin with four questions. This is not some sort of cultural thing for the time of year. That's an in-joke, by the way.

我会尝试着表述为什么 我们知道的事物很有可能并没有我们自认为知道的多 我觉得从四个问题逐渐,并不是那类今年流行的文化艺术难题 正确了,刚那句是个圈里嘲笑

But these four questions, actually, are ones that people who even know quite a lot about science find quite hard. And they're questions that I've asked of science television producers, of audiences of science educators -- so that's science teachers -- and also of seven-year-olds, and I find that the seven-year-olds do marginally better than the other audiences, which is somewhat surprising.

但是这四个问题,实际上 即使是很懂科学合理的人也会觉得很难回复 我拿这些问题去问科学合理综艺节目电影制片人 问一些有科学合理教育经历的观众们 也问教合理的教师也有七岁儿童 我发现了七岁儿童答得比别人好 它是有一些让人诧异

So the first question, and you might want to write this down, either on a bit of paper, physically, or a virtual piece of paper in your head. And, for viewers at home, you can try this as well.

第一个难题,我建议你把难题记录下来 抄在白纸,或想像中的白纸 坐到电脑前面的你也可以试经典著作答.

A little seed weighs next to nothing and a tree weighs a lot, right? I think we agree on that. Where does the tree get the stuff that makes up this chair, right? Where does all this stuff come from?

种子非常轻,而树木非常重,是不是?我想我们都同意吧,树木用于做成桌椅的物品是从哪来的? 是吧?这些东西都是怎么来的?



And your next question is, can you light a little torch-bulb with a battery, a bulb and one piece of wire? And would you be able to, kind of, draw a -- you don't have to draw the diagram, but would you be able to draw the diagram, if you had to do it? Or would you just say, that's actually not possible?

难题二,你能不能照亮一个小灯泡 仅用1个充电电池、1个电灯泡、和1条电缆线? 那你能绘制以上难题的详解吗?无需确实画 但如果需要的话, 你可以画出来吗? 或是你会说 这一不太可能?

The third question is, why is it hotter in summer than in winter? I think we can probably agree that it is hotter in summer than in winter, but why? And finally, would you be able to -- and you can sort of scribble it, if you like -- scribble a plan diagram of the solar system, showing the shape of the planets' orbits? Would you be able to do that? And if you can, just scribble a pattern.

第三个难题,为什么夏天比冬季热? 大伙儿应当都同意夏季比冬季还热 但为什么这么?最终,你能不能 简单描绘出 太阳系的平面设计图... 展现出行星轨道运作的样子 你可以画得出来吗? 你画得出来得话,就把样子画出来

OK. Now, children get their ideas not from teachers, as teachers often think, but actually from common sense, from experience of the world around them, from all the things that go on between them and their peers, and their carers, and their parents, and all of that. Experience. And one of the great experts in this field, of course, was, bless him, Cardinal Wolsey. Be very careful what you get into people's heads because it's virtually impossible to shift it afterwards, right?

好,儿童对物体的理念并不是老师教的 教师常常那么认为,但事实上定义来源于于常情 来源于于儿童对周围全球的感受 来源于于她们跟伙伴彼此之间沟通交流 也有跟阿姨、父母、每个人沟通的经历 这一行业中的一个权威专家,正确了,愿他长眠 便是渥西神父,他说道要你将物品放入别人的闹袋里的情况下要小心 由于那些东西基本上不会再更改,是吧?



I'm not quite sure how he died, actually. Was he beheaded in the end, or hung?

我不太清楚他的死亡原因,确实 他最终上断头台?或是被自缢?



Now, those questions, which, of course, you've got right, and you haven't been conferring, and so on. And I -- you know, normally, I would pick people out and humiliate, but maybe not in this instance.

如今返回那四个问题,我们都知道是什么问题了 大家相互之间都没有探讨回答 我平常习惯性点人站立起来回应使他丢人 但是此次也不点了

A little seed weighs a lot and, basically, all this stuff, 99 percent of this stuff, came out of the air. Now, I guarantee that about 85 percent of you, or maybe it's fewer at TED, will have said it comes out of the ground. And some people, probably two of you, will come up and argue with me afterwards, and say that actually, it comes out of the ground. Now, if that was true, we'd have trucks going round the country, filling people's gardens in with soil, it'd be a fantastic business. But, actually, we don't do that. The mass of this comes out of the air. Now, I passed all my biology exams in Britain. I passed them really well, but I still came out of school thinking that that stuff came out of the ground.

种子能够非常重,大部分所有的这种 99%都源自于气体 我坚信有85%的人,也许在大家TED会比较多 要说木料来源于于地面,而有的人 或许大家中的一二位, 很有可能结束后会来找我争执 说木料其实是来源于于地面 若是如此,那我们就会出现让货车走来走去 把我们的花园里都填入土,那会是非常好的买卖。 但是其实大家不容易那样做 由于木料的原料绝大多数实际上是以空气中来的 我还在美国读书时学生物每考必过 我的成绩非常好,但毕业之后 或是认为木料来源于于地面

Second one: can you light a little torch-bulb with a battery bulb and one piece of wire? Yes, you can, and I'll show you in a second how to do that. Now, I have some rather bad news, which is that I had a piece of video that I was about to show you, which unfortunately -- the sound doesn't work in this room, so I'm going to describe to you, in true "Monty Python" fashion, what happens in the video. And in the video, a group of researchers go to MIT on graduation day. We chose MIT because, obviously, that's a very long way away from here, and you wouldn't mind too much, but it sort of works the same way in Britain and in the West Coast of the USA. And we asked them these questions, and we asked those questions of science graduates, and they couldn't answer them. And so, there's a whole lot of people saying, "I'd be very surprised if you told me that this came out of the air. That's very surprising to me." And those are science graduates. And we intercut it with, "We are the premier science university in the world," because of British-like hubris.

你可以用一枚充电电池和一根电线点亮灯泡吗? 是,你能,我能示范性如何做。 但是,如今有一个不好的消息 原本有一个电影要给各位看 遗憾在这里响声放不出来 所以我就口头上描述一下的,用蟒蛇演出团的表演方式, 电影具体内容是这样的,在电影里有一群研究者 在毕业典礼那一天去麻省理工大学 为什么是麻省理工大学呢?因为它离这儿较远 各位也就不容易太在意 但是情景建在美国结论也类似 或者建在国外沿岸 大家问了麻省理工大学的大学毕业生这四个问题 这种理工科专业大学毕业生也答不出来 并且还有很多学员表明 “我很惊讶你觉得木料是以空气中来的 ”这确实令我很惊讶“,这些理工学院的大学毕业生这么说 大家用”我们都是全球第一的理工学院“来作电影的结束。 由于英国很高傲



And when we gave graduate engineers that question, they said it couldn't be done. And when we gave them a battery, and a piece of wire, and a bulb, and said, "Can you do it?" They couldn't do it. Right? And that's no different from Imperial College in London, by the way, it's not some sort of anti-American thing going on.

大家拿第二个难题去问硕士毕业的技术员们 她们说这不太可能做不到 大家拿了充电电池、电缆线、和电灯泡 问她们”你能做到吗?“,她们没办法,对吧? 顺路一提,英国伦敦的王国学校的状况可能也类似这般 我们不是在做什么反美丽的事

As if. Now, the reason this matters is we pay lots and lots of money for teaching people -- we might as well get it right. And there are also some societal reasons why we might want people to understand what it is that's happening in photosynthesis. For example, one half of the carbon equation is how much we emit, and the other half of the carbon equation, as I'm very conscious as a trustee of Kew, is how much things soak up, and they soak up carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

尽管听说的颇像。问题的关键就是我们花了很多钱 来文化教育大家,我们应该正确地来做这件事情。 当中还有一些社会因素 使我们想使大家掌握植物光合作用怎样运行 比如,有一半的碳储量是人类排出的 而另一半碳储量 我非常关心,作为皇室动植物园的委托管理员

That's what plants actually do for a living. And, for any Finnish people in the audience, this is a Finnish pun: we are, both literally and metaphorically, skating on thin ice if we don't understand that kind of thing.Now, here's how you do the battery and the bulb. It's so easy, isn't it? Of course, you all knew that. But if you haven't played with a battery and a bulb, if you've only seen a circuit diagram, you might not be able to do that, and that's one of the problems.

是植物吸收是多少二氧化碳 绿色植物便是为此维生素的 要是到场有芬兰人,这也是芬兰话的双关 大家不管在事实上或暗喻上,全是战战兢兢 如果大家搞不懂那些事儿 充电电池和电灯泡只需这要做就行 非常简单,不是吗?大家都懂了 但要是你并没有亲自摸过充电电池和电灯泡 当你只看了电路原理图 你可能就做不出来,这是个不便

So, why is it hotter in summer than in winter? We learn, as children, that you get closer to something that's hot, and it burns you. It's a very powerful bit of learning, and it happens pretty early on. By extension, we think to ourselves, "Why it's hotter in summer than in winter must be because we're closer to the Sun." I promise you that most of you will have got that. Oh, you're all shaking your heads, but only a few of you are shaking your heads very firmly.

那样,为什么夏季比冬季热? 咱们打小就了解,离热的东西太近 你也就被烫到,这真很合理的教育理念 很小的时候大伙儿就学到了 拓宽这一论点论据,大家感觉夏季比冬季热 一定是由于大家离太阳比较近 我坚信大多数人都懂了 哦,大家都在摆头 但是仅有几个人摇得很坚定不移

Other ones are kind of going like this. All right. It's hotter in summer than in winter because the rays from the Sun are spread out more, right, because of the tilt of the Earth. And if you think the tilt is tilting us closer, no, it isn't. The Sun is 93 million miles away, and we're tilting like this, right? It makes no odds. In fact, in the Northern Hemisphere, we're further from the Sun in summer, as it happens, but it makes no odds, the difference.

别人只是这样子摇罢了,行吧 夏季比冬季热是由于太阳光的辐射线 散播得比较多,地球上歪斜的关联 假如你以为是朝太阳的方向歪斜,那么就不对 太阳光离地球1亿5一定千米,地球上倾斜角度大致这般 歪斜并不是区别所属,在北半球 夏天时大家离太阳更长远 跟歪斜没有关系

OK, now, the scribble of the diagram of the solar system. If you believe, as most of you probably do, that it's hotter in summer than in winter because we're closer to the Sun, you must have drawn an ellipse. Right? That would explain it, right? Except, in your -- you're nodding -- now, in your ellipse, have you thought, "Well, what happens during the night?"

好,难题四是绘制太阳系的平面设计图 假如大伙儿坚信,大部分也许都坚信 夏季比冬季热是由于地球上离太阳近点 大伙儿应当都画了椭圆型 是吧?这就可表述了吧? 除非是,你点点头了,你画了个椭圆型 你有想过,「夜里又是什么原因」?

Between Australia and here, right, they've got summer and we've got winter, and what -- does the Earth kind of rush towards the Sun at night, and then rush back again? I mean, it's a very strange thing going on, and we hold these two models in our head, of what's right and what isn't right, and we do that, as human beings, in all sorts of fields.

澳大利亚和英国这里,澳洲是夏季 这里是冬季,难道 地球上在晚上会奔向太阳光 然后再冲回家?这确实很奇怪 咱们脑中有两类思索方式,对的和错的 作为人们,大家在许多行业都这样思索

So, here's Copernicus' view of what the solar system looked like as a plan. That's pretty much what you should have on your piece of paper. Right? And this is NASA's view. They're stunningly similar. I hope you notice the coincidence here.

左边是哥白尼画的太阳系行星平面设计图 跟你们白纸画的类似,是吧 右边是NASA的版本号,两张图十分类似 希望大家注意在其中的偶然 如果你了解大家有错误观点

What would you do if you knew that people had this misconception, right, in their heads, of elliptical orbits caused by our experiences as children? What sort of diagram would you show them of the solar system, to show that it's not really like that? You'd show them something like this, wouldn't you? It's a plan, looking down from above. But, no, look what I found in the textbooks. That's what you show people, right?

爱情保卫战 在她们脑中,楕环形的路轨 是他们童年工作经验教的吗? 你能给他看什么样的太阳系行星平面图? 证实太阳系行星并不是她们想的那般 你能给他看这类图吗? 这也是俯览的平面设计图 但是并不是这样,看看我还在教材里寻找的 你能给他看这类图是吧?

These are from textbooks, from websites, educational websites -- and almost anything you pick up is like that. And the reason it's like that is because it's dead boring to have a load of concentric circles, whereas that's much more exciting, to look at something at that angle, isn't it? Right?

源于教材 源于教育平台 你找获得的基本上全是这类图 会以这类角度展现是由于 仅有一堆内切圆太死板乏味 从这类角度看太阳系行星较为新鲜的刺激性 不是吗?

And by doing it at that angle, if you've got that misconception in your head, then that two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional thing will be ellipses. So you've -- it's crap, isn't it really? As we say.

由于搞成这类角度 假如你脑中拥有这类误会 用二度室内空间来展现三度空间便会变为椭圆型 这真是槽糕,并不是吗?

So, these mental models -- we look for evidence that reinforces our models. We do this, of course, with matters of race, and politics, and everything else, and we do it in science as well. So we look, just look -- and scientists do it, constantly -- we look for evidence that reinforces our models, and some folks are just all too able and willing to provide the evidence that reinforces the models.

因而,大家寻找直接证据来提高我们的思维方式 让我们用这些方法解决人种、政冶、所有事 自然也用这类方法解决科学合理,大家只收看 是专家在这么做,人们不断地寻找直接证据 来提高我们的思维方式,有的人很有办法 也愿意出示直接证据来提高这些方式

So, being I'm in the United States, I'll have a dig at the Europeans. These are examples of what I would say is bad practice in science teaching centers.

所以我如今人在美国,便会说西方人的闲话 这种照片都是我觉得欠佳的创新教育

These pictures are from La Villette in France and the welcome wing of the Science Museum in London. And, if you look at the, kind of the way these things are constructed, there's a lot of mediation by glass, and it's very blue, and kind of professional -- in that way that, you know, Woody Allen comes up from under the sheets in that scene in "Annie Hall," and said, "God, that's so professional." And that you don't -- there's no passion in it, and it's not hands on, right, and, you know, pun intended.

相近学习中心,这种图源自法国的维叶特科博馆 及其英国伦敦科博馆的迎宾礼仪翼展示厅 你看一下这些东西完工的样子 有许多夹层玻璃挡板,高清蓝光色彩,弄得很专业一样 那类方法,就好像伍迪艾伦从被单里冒出 在《安妮霍尔》戏中的那一幕 他说道“老天爷,这实在太专门了” 这在其中没有热情,并没有出手参加,是不是 这是个一语双关,但是也有好的教学策略

Whereas good interpretation -- I'll use an example from nearby -- is San Francisco Exploratorium, where all the things that -- the demonstrations, and so on, are made out of everyday objects that children can understand, it's very hands-on, and they can engage with, and experiment with. And I know that if the graduates at MIT and in the Imperial College in London had had the battery and the wire and the bit of stuff, and you know, been able to do it, they would have learned how it actually works, rather than thinking that they follow circuit diagrams and can't do it. So good interpretation is more about things that are bodged and stuffed and of my world, right? And things that -- where there isn't an extra barrier of a piece of glass or machined titanium, and it all looks fantastic, OK?

我举一个例子,离这儿靠近,美国旧金山探寻馆 在那里所有的东西,展示品之类的 全是用孩子能懂的日常用具制成的 都能够出手玩,小朋友们能够专心致志玩好好地感受 我明白麻省理工大学大学毕业生 及其英国伦敦王国学校大学毕业生 手里有充电电池电缆线点亮灯泡得话 他俩会知道在其中的基本原理 而不是感觉她们对着电路原理图来做是做不上的 好的教学策略并不是 沉迷于沉醉在自身世界里是吧? 那些东西也不要被隔着 用夹层玻璃或者钛产品分隔 看上去很美就行,好么?

And the Exploratorium does that really, really well. And it's amateur, but amateur in the best sense, in other words, the root of the word being of love and passion.

美国旧金山探寻馆在这一点做得很好 看起来很业余组,但业余组得很死对头 换句话说,压根的立足点是源于爱和激情

So, children are not empty vessels, OK?So, as "Monty Python" would have it, this is a bit Lord Privy Seal to say so, but this is -- children are not empty vessels.

因此,儿童并不是空瓶子 用“蟒蛇演出团”的观点 便是有些像美国掌玺重臣会说的 意思是说儿童并不是空无一物的水瓶座

They come with their own ideas and their own theories, and unless you work with those, then you won't be able to shift them, right?

她们天生就有自己的想法和核心理念 假如你没从这种地区下手,就改变不了她们 是吧?

And I probably haven't shifted your ideas of how the world and universe operates, either. But this applies, equally, to matters of trying to sell new technology.

我大约没有改变大伙儿的念头 针对全球和宇宙空间究竟怎么运行 但是这一些大道理一样能够用在推销产品高新科技上也

For example, we are, in Britain, we're trying to do a digital switchover of the whole population into digital technology [for television].

比如,在英国,咱们尝试把所有的电视机 都换为高新科技的多位电视机

And it's one of the difficult things is that when people have preconceptions of how it all works, it's quite difficult to shift those.

有一个问题是 我们对事情运行的方法一旦拥有偏见 就没办法去更改

So we're not empty vessels; the mental models that we have as children persist into adulthood. Poor teaching actually does more harm than good.

我们不是空瓶子,大家享有思维方式 从幼时到成年人一直都存有 欠佳的教学是弊超过利

In this country and in Britain, magnetism is understood better by children before they've been to school than afterwards, OK? Same for gravity, two concepts, so it's -- which is quite humbling, as a, you know, if you're a teacher, and you look before and after, that's quite worrying. They do worse in tests afterwards, after the teaching.

在美国和英国,在磁性专业知识上 儿童在入学前学得最好 作用力专业知识也一样,两个不同定义,这实在是悲哀 假如你是个教师,看到授教前和受教后的区别 着实让人担忧,学生在授教后考试能够顺利通过更差

And we collude. We design tests, or at least in Britain, so that people pass them. Right? And governments do very well. They pat themselves on the back. OK?

我们是共同犯罪,大家设计方案测试方法 最少在英国是那样,好让大家能通过考试 政府部门也帮了很多忙,她们助力 看得懂?

We collude, and actually if you -- if someone had designed a test for me when I was doing my biology exams, to really understand, to see whether I'd understood more than just kind of putting starch and iodine together and seeing it go blue, and really understood that plants took their mass out of the air, then I might have done better at science. So the most important thing is to get people to articulate their models.

我们是共同犯罪 如果有人帮我设计方案测试 在我想学生物的情况下 要我能真正的搞清楚,搞清楚我是不是确实明白了 并不是只在木薯淀粉中添加碘液 看见反映展现深蓝色 并且能真正的搞清楚绿色植物是以空气中强健的 我的科学合理可能就会学得最好 因此,最主要的是要让大家能描述清晰他们的实体模型

Your homework is -- you know, how does an aircraft's wing create lift? An obvious question, and you'll have an answer now in your heads. And the second question to that then is, ensure you've explained how it is that planes can fly upside down. Ah ha, right.

回家作业是,飞机翼是怎样协助飞机飞行的? 这情况很好懂,大伙儿心里也是有回答了 常见问题是 你需要保证自己能表述为什么飞机头往下的情况下也可以飞, 是吧

Second question is, why is the sea blue? All right? And you've all got an idea in your head of the answer. So, why is it blue on cloudy days? Ah, see.

难题二,海为什么是蓝色的? 各位心里应当都是有回答了 那样,为何阴雨天时海或是蓝的?一下吧 (欢笑声) 我一直想在国外讲这话



I've always wanted to say that in this country. (Laughter) Finally, my plea to you is to allow yourselves, and your children, and anyone you know, to kind of fiddle with stuff, because it's by fiddling with things that you, you know, you complement your other learning. It's not a replacement, it's just part of learning that's important. Thank you very much. Now -- oh, oh yeah, go on then, go on.

最终,我希望大家可以让自身,也有小孩 和一切你认识的人,去出手触碰事情 由于亲身触碰了事情,你知道的 你也就补充了其他方面的了解欠缺,这不是更换 这只是学习中至关重要的一部分 谢谢你们 那样,噢,没事儿,再次吧



