


写一封感谢信的英语作文 篇1

Dear Li Feng,

I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night. I knew you organized this party. I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song. I liked the presents too. It was a really nice surprise. I will never forget that birthday. Thank you so much! I am very lucky to have you as my friend and classmate!


Li Hua

写一封感谢信的英语作文 篇2

june 10, 20xx

dear aunt and uncle,

i don't know how i can thank you enough for the timely birthday present that you sent me. it was such a great and happy surprise. i have been longing to have an electronic dictionary of this kind for ages. now i don't have to carry a very thick dictionary along with me in my bag everyday. it is so small that i can keep it in my pocket. it is such a convenience to my work and studies.

it was so kind of you to have sent me this electronic dictionary.every time i use it i will think of you and appreciate your warm heartedness.

with love,


写一封感谢信的英语作文 篇3

June 17th , 20xx

Dear Xiao He,

Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unforgettable throughout my life.

When I think of those gorgeous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldn’t be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of this world. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug log-cabin, small and cozy, which was turned into my dream house in fairy land those nights.

Would you come to Harbin, my home town, some time this summer vacation? Harbin, a beautiful place frequently referred to as Oriental Paris, offers a picture of another kind. I can assure you another pleasant tour. My family and I cannot wait to see you here.


Li Ming

写一封感谢信的英语作文 篇4

A letter to my parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I love you! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles (阻碍) you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations (殷切的期待) of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Today I want to tell you something extremely important (极为重要的) .Today I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m grown up! I will be responsible (承担责任) for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy, confident, positive and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my body or my mind.

写一封感谢信的英语作文 篇5



希望,您能在百忙之中抽一点时间读一下这封信。 造物主祖父,别看我赶到天底下短短十二年,但对孩子的一些事情,我就是深有感悟。如今,请你看一下孩子的烦恼,体会一下当自己的不容易吧! “小敏,明日考啥?”“早上物理化学,在下午语文学科、政冶。”“唉,政冶,政冶,近几天背得头晕脑胀,后边的刚背过,前边的又忘记了!为了能测试评分,没办法,还要再次背!真的搞清楚,死记硬背的怎么都那么难!也有,语文学科明天也考!今晚只能再‘开夜车’了!”

造物主祖父呀,之上界面就是我摄录亲姐姐和她同学们的一段对话。看一下测试将我们折磨得呀,简直是精神虐待!假如,你还要让地球上将来迅猛发展,也该赶紧为老师、父母“忽悠”,让她们忘记了考试吧!别再让测试再次残害我们这种可怜花苞了! 实际上不仅这种,还有一些呢!我们自己的工作经常提到晚上十一点;天蒙蒙亮就需要挤公交车去学校;考试试卷上错一道题,就需要一整张试卷抄录一遍;也有一些家长,总拿自己的儿子和别人的孩子比,弄得许多孩子自卑随着儿时,学习成绩不好的小孩真真的不容易! 造物主祖父,您不清楚:做小孩难,做个好孩子就更难了。



