



  1. Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years. Do you think which is better?

  2. “Piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, CD, VCD, tape, etc. without permission. Are you in favor of piracy or against piracy?

  3. Should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not?

  4. Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on our society?

  5. Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features?

  6. Can money buy happiness?

  7. Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships?

  8. Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?

  9. Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?

  10. What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?

  11. Does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?

  12. Are pets good or bad for mankind?

  13. Should we diet in order to keep fit?

  14. Should celebrities have greater protection from the media or not?

  15. Should the sale and consumption of alcohol be banned or not?

  16. Are beauty contests good or harmful to our society?

  17. Does criticism do more harm than good to people?

  18. Is it necessary to pass CET4 or CET6 in the university?

  19. Is puppy love good or bad for studying?


  1. Is TV a malign influence on society?

  2. Talk about Poverty and Wisdom

  3. If u r on a deserted island what three things do u want to take?

  4. Talk about the meaning of Being Capable/Being Helpful/Kind

  5. What’s your understanding of team work?

  6. How to learn perfect English?

  7. We learn knowledge only from our teachers.

  8. We learn knowledge not only from our teachers.

  9. Do you prefer to buy sth. in big stores or small ones?

  10. Is career more important than family?

  11. Can people make true friends on the internet?

  12. Being single is very popular in China?

  13. Can you find out which qualities you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?

  14. What would you see as advantages for you to wait for your marriage, if you’ve found the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend?

  15. Do you prefer to marry before you have a successful career or after you have a successful career?

  16. Positive side: It's good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.

  Negative side: It's not good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.

  17. Is there true love on the internet?

  18. Should professionals be paid according to their performance?

  19. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?

  20. Should parents have the right to educate their children privately?







  在英语辩论赛的情况下尽可能要以简短、简短的句子为主导,措辞要简易,大道理易懂,他人一听就了解你在说的语句,而不是要想大半天才搞清楚你说什么,如可以说you are bad,就最好不要说you are not good。




  在开展游戏的情况下,可以常用一些反问句来提升气魄,让别人认为你提前准备充裕,如常常使用Don't you think that。


